the water is so good

the water is so good

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Vacation? What's that?

One month from right now, I will be in Kansas. Probably have my belly full of french fries and maybe even a burger - for sure I will have a 32oz (or route 44) Diet Coke with lots of ice and a lid and straw in my hand!
This morning on our way to school, Bo said - "It'd be a great day if we were on vacation!"
Amigo, I couldn't agree more!
We are back at it!
Monday - basketball practice
Tuesday - football practice
Wednesday - basketball & football practice (2 different time & 2 different locations)
Thursday - football practice
Friday - football practice & basketball game
Saturday - football game
That leaves Sunday to practice the piano for 3 kids, practice the violin, do homework from here and homework from there......oh and go to the beach when we have a minute!
And as I'm typing this - I just remembered that Bo needs 'bubbles' for a science project for tomorrow morning.......bubbles? that's if he translated it correctly. I did remember to get a black trash bag that he also needs.
I was up at school 7 times today (SEVEN) and I honestly thought I would spend my 'free' time on the beach while I was here.......jajajajajajaj or hohohohohoho (as they would write down here instead of: hahahahahaha)
Had to turn money in for field trip for both boys - had only signed one permission slip. We're house sitting and the recorders for music class were back @ the condo.....
back and forth back and forth.
Things have gone great - they really have. The tailspin I was in due to Sis Mill not liking school seems to be so long ago. She loves her new school and her teachers are amazing - all 5 of them.
I do know that when she is at school, she is still scared - imagine how you would be @ 5 years old in a space where, really no one, speaks  your language. You have no connections with anyone. She often mentions a different feeling that she has while she's at school and my heart aches for her. She approaches it with a smile and an, 'I can do it attitude' but it still makes me ache that she isn't with Ms. Fewins, "safe, warm & dry" and messing with glitter.
She is strong and I know these skills she is learning now will help her for the rest of her life.
The boys are doing great.
They miss their friends - they miss certain things.
Ben and I went for a long bike ride 2 nights ago. We were hauling some major hiney on these old bikes. It was a great feeling!
Alexander said today - he feels most comfortable in Kansas - I was glad to hear that. I said, well, that's good - you should feel most comfortable at 'home'!
Tomorrow the boys are competing in a track meet. I wish I knew more about what they are doing but I really don't. I know that Bo is in 4 events and Ben in 3.
Relay, Long Jump, Throwing, Running race.
I am excited to see how it goes and what it is. I really have no idea what to expect.
Last friday we had our first school party!
That was fun! Very fun. Great ideas to take back home for school parties there!
Today when I picked Ben up from basketball practice, Profe (PE teacher) (who speaks NO AMERICANO) told me that the boys get out of school tomorrow @ 12:30. That, of course, is great news to me! They need to be ready for this competition. That gives them time to eat, rest and be ready!
Maybe even sneak a few skim board runs in!!!!
The beach has been perfect for it!
6am comes really early - I have to be up and running!
I really am loving it here! Couldn't ask for more perfect winter weather! I really cannot imagine wanting to be anywhere else!
La Vida es Buena

1 comment:

  1. You ARE on vaca sister! It's sleeting again here - no beach to even look at and life just keeps rolling by faster and faster. EEK! Missing you!
