It didn't take me long to realize that life is life no matter if you are in Lawrence, Kansas or Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
Life is life; kids are kids; moms are moms; school is school; youth sports are youth sports; love is love; loss is loss.
All of these things I will explain at some point because I have found them all very important during my stay here. But today - the pain I have felt this entire day - it seems like here, on this absolutely perfect day - No clouds, slight breeze, 78-82 degrees that loss would be easier but I have found that is just not true.
Today, I lost my bestest friend, really - and even though I haven't seem McCoy since early on January 1. I have thought about him every day and I have missed him every day. Even though I knew there was a chance when I hugged and kissed him goodbye that morning, way before he would have normally gotten up... I really thought I would see him again.
I am forever in debt to my dad for handling this in, I am positive, the most loving way.
I am sure it was as horrible for him as it would have been for me.
I am grateful that I knew I could call him and know that I didn't need to do anything else.
As painful as it has been for me today, with the entire situation of McCoy, his health, his illness, his diagnosis - - being here, in this beautiful place didn't cushion the pain one bit.
Loss is Loss.
I am thankful that I was able to give McCoy all the things I did to make him a GREAT dog!
Puppy kindergarten, Agility Training, Long Walks, Long Runs - he was my personal trainer when I ran my great race in 2004. He was never left at home - he did it all. He could do anything.
I guess I am trying to do the same for my children in giving them all those experiences to make them great people.
Today has sucked from beginning to end for me.
When I woke up this morning, I thought - man I slept good - then started to cry.
I guess what I'm trying to say is: No matter where you are - feelings are feelings, loss is loss and Pain is Pain!
Here's to you my boy! Thanks for giving me constant love and protection for the last 14 years.
There won't be a day go by when I won't miss you, think of all the fun times we have shared, all the cool places we have been together and all the secrets you kept!
You never let me down, I was very lucky to call you mine.
McCoy McCoy McCoy
I love you!
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