the water is so good

the water is so good

Friday, February 4, 2011

Feliz Cumpleaños

Another year older, another year wiser!
31 days in Mexico and I have had many years worth of experiences.
I sat in my first Spanish Mass on Sunday - on the back row, in front of an open window - sun beating down on my back; Ben & Carlie complaining about how hot they were.
That there, was an experience, just sitting in church, in January, with windows open.....
Then you add - all these people gathered for the same thing. The Usher saying Arriba, Arriba to us - I had not idea what that meant but I knew it didn't mean, have a seat here in this section where no one is sitting. Ben seemed to understand too - he was in the lead and kept on walking to the stairs. During mass there were little kids crawling all around, Moms trying to hush them, handing out snacks, digging in their purses for money to give the little hands to drop into the basket that made the rounds.
In a different 'world'. Everything seemed different: weather, smells, sounds, language, the sound of the bell just before communion (it sounded like a cow bell), windows, what everyone was wearing, what they ate for breakfast, the choir (couldn't help but think of our choir @ CC) there were 3 men in this choir - with amazing voices. Wooded benches, concrete steps for benches in the balcony, wooden kneelers - 
Praying The Lords Prayer was amazing - even though I was certainly the only one speaking it in English, it was like we were all speaking the same language, the pauses were the same, we ended at the same time, it was amazing to me - 
At times, these countries seem so diverse but on this day, I realized - we are 1 people, 1 faith, 1 God and it was such a good feeling to me.
It was a great way for me to End my 42nd year and start my 43rd.
How large the world, How large the faith in a time where it's easy to wonder........Where is the faith?

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