the water is so good

the water is so good

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Vacation? What's that?

One month from right now, I will be in Kansas. Probably have my belly full of french fries and maybe even a burger - for sure I will have a 32oz (or route 44) Diet Coke with lots of ice and a lid and straw in my hand!
This morning on our way to school, Bo said - "It'd be a great day if we were on vacation!"
Amigo, I couldn't agree more!
We are back at it!
Monday - basketball practice
Tuesday - football practice
Wednesday - basketball & football practice (2 different time & 2 different locations)
Thursday - football practice
Friday - football practice & basketball game
Saturday - football game
That leaves Sunday to practice the piano for 3 kids, practice the violin, do homework from here and homework from there......oh and go to the beach when we have a minute!
And as I'm typing this - I just remembered that Bo needs 'bubbles' for a science project for tomorrow morning.......bubbles? that's if he translated it correctly. I did remember to get a black trash bag that he also needs.
I was up at school 7 times today (SEVEN) and I honestly thought I would spend my 'free' time on the beach while I was here.......jajajajajajaj or hohohohohoho (as they would write down here instead of: hahahahahaha)
Had to turn money in for field trip for both boys - had only signed one permission slip. We're house sitting and the recorders for music class were back @ the condo.....
back and forth back and forth.
Things have gone great - they really have. The tailspin I was in due to Sis Mill not liking school seems to be so long ago. She loves her new school and her teachers are amazing - all 5 of them.
I do know that when she is at school, she is still scared - imagine how you would be @ 5 years old in a space where, really no one, speaks  your language. You have no connections with anyone. She often mentions a different feeling that she has while she's at school and my heart aches for her. She approaches it with a smile and an, 'I can do it attitude' but it still makes me ache that she isn't with Ms. Fewins, "safe, warm & dry" and messing with glitter.
She is strong and I know these skills she is learning now will help her for the rest of her life.
The boys are doing great.
They miss their friends - they miss certain things.
Ben and I went for a long bike ride 2 nights ago. We were hauling some major hiney on these old bikes. It was a great feeling!
Alexander said today - he feels most comfortable in Kansas - I was glad to hear that. I said, well, that's good - you should feel most comfortable at 'home'!
Tomorrow the boys are competing in a track meet. I wish I knew more about what they are doing but I really don't. I know that Bo is in 4 events and Ben in 3.
Relay, Long Jump, Throwing, Running race.
I am excited to see how it goes and what it is. I really have no idea what to expect.
Last friday we had our first school party!
That was fun! Very fun. Great ideas to take back home for school parties there!
Today when I picked Ben up from basketball practice, Profe (PE teacher) (who speaks NO AMERICANO) told me that the boys get out of school tomorrow @ 12:30. That, of course, is great news to me! They need to be ready for this competition. That gives them time to eat, rest and be ready!
Maybe even sneak a few skim board runs in!!!!
The beach has been perfect for it!
6am comes really early - I have to be up and running!
I really am loving it here! Couldn't ask for more perfect winter weather! I really cannot imagine wanting to be anywhere else!
La Vida es Buena

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Spanish? I haven't heard em'!

Well - Since Carlie is in a new school, every day I get an update from her teacher. Since her teacher doesn't speak English, she talks to Maca and I get bits and pieces (Feliz is always a part of it).
Today after we picked up our 3 beautiful children and were walking to the car, Maca said - her teacher said she's so happy and she talks to her in Spanish!
I am like, WHAT? What do you mean she talks to her in Spanish? Carlie talks Spanish?
Maca: That's what she said....
So, tomorrow, I will find out what the heck it means that Carlie talks to her teacher in Spanish!
I asked Carlie, "Do you know any words in Spanish?"
Carlie: Maybe a few.....
I will investigate more tomorrow and if I have to spy, I will!!!!

Both boys are in it.....
Last week the PE teacher gave Ben directions on what to do, and off he went - like he completely understood.
Bo is playing football........Coaches speak Spanish........He knows all the plays and what to do.
It's crazy to me but they must be understanding something.
Week by week it's different.
Bo said tonight - when we leave here there's no way I will be talking in Spanish - I thought, well how on earth are you on a football team with Spanish Speaking Coaches? When I watched practice Tuesday night he seemed to be completely aware of what was going on.
Tonight he was telling me all the plays and I said, who told you that? He said, Coach! so.....??
They are learning! :-)
Looking forward to the weekend and my dad coming to visit!
We have had rain the last 2 night but not during the day. I am glad it's raining now, surely it will all be over by Saturday.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Sunday

Since I don't have the rights - Super Sunday seems like a perfect name for today anyway!
This is the first time I have had the thought cross my mind, 'I wonder how many more days we are going to be here?'
I think before now, I have always felt like it was still a long time. I didn't go to the calendar and check but for some reason, today - I am concerned about leaving.
The kids are all doing great. Carlie is happy. Quinn came and saw what we are up to. My dad is coming in 6 days.  Things all seem to be going smoothly. The unknowns are small and I am comfortable.
Could have something to do with my love for being outside, not wearing shoes, sunshine, the power and mystery of the sea. 
I have my mind full of all the things we have experienced. It is really thrilling.
Observing the boys here has been a real treat too. Watching them interact in so many different situations - they have no idea how brave they have been. I may never tell them but I am sure that they will use this trait forever.
The patience they have learned for time, difference, uncertainty, values, I have to think all those things are way more valuable than any thing else we learn while we are here.
The ability to make a friend in an instant - no matter the color of their skin or the speak that comes off their tongue.
It makes learning Spanish seem like second fiddle.
I have the laptop out on the patio and the sounds of kids screaming, laughing, splashing, and of course marco-polo are 5' over my right shoulder.
Jackson is in our 'club' today, he's from Canada. We have no idea how long he will be here but they offer him one of our pool toys and they are off like old friends. 
They have made some other friends who come to XamanHa on the weekends - they are thrilled to see that we are still here. They speak no English but the fun is just the same.
Kids are Kids and I love being a kid!

Friday, February 4, 2011


It didn't take me long to realize that life is life no matter if you are in Lawrence, Kansas or Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
Life is life; kids are kids; moms are moms; school is school; youth sports are youth sports; love is love; loss is loss.
All of these things I will explain at some point because I have found them all very important during my stay here. But today - the pain I have felt this entire day - it seems like here, on this absolutely perfect day -  No clouds, slight breeze, 78-82 degrees that loss would be easier but I have found that is just not true.
Today, I lost my bestest friend, really - and even though I haven't seem McCoy since early on January 1. I have thought about him every day and I have missed him every day. Even though I knew there was a chance when I hugged and kissed him goodbye that morning, way before he would have normally gotten up... I really thought I would see him again.
I am forever in debt to my dad for handling this in, I am positive, the most loving way.
I am sure it was as horrible for him as it would have been for me.
I am grateful that I knew I could call him and know that I didn't need to do anything else.
As painful as it has been for me today, with the entire situation of McCoy, his health, his illness, his diagnosis - - being here, in this beautiful place didn't cushion the pain one bit.
Loss is Loss.
I am thankful that I was able to give McCoy all the things I did to make him a GREAT dog!
Puppy kindergarten, Agility Training, Long Walks, Long Runs - he was my personal trainer when I ran my great race in 2004. He was never left at home - he did it all. He could do anything.
I guess I am trying to do the same for my children in giving them all those experiences to make them great people.
Today has sucked from beginning to end for me.
When I woke up this morning, I thought - man I slept good - then started to cry.
I guess what I'm trying to say is: No matter where you are - feelings are feelings, loss is loss and Pain is Pain!
Here's to you my boy! Thanks for giving me constant love and protection for the last 14 years.
There won't be a day go by when I won't miss you, think of all the fun times we have shared, all the cool places we have been together and all the secrets you kept!
You never let me down, I was very lucky to call you mine.
McCoy McCoy McCoy
I love you!

Feliz CumpleaƱos

Another year older, another year wiser!
31 days in Mexico and I have had many years worth of experiences.
I sat in my first Spanish Mass on Sunday - on the back row, in front of an open window - sun beating down on my back; Ben & Carlie complaining about how hot they were.
That there, was an experience, just sitting in church, in January, with windows open.....
Then you add - all these people gathered for the same thing. The Usher saying Arriba, Arriba to us - I had not idea what that meant but I knew it didn't mean, have a seat here in this section where no one is sitting. Ben seemed to understand too - he was in the lead and kept on walking to the stairs. During mass there were little kids crawling all around, Moms trying to hush them, handing out snacks, digging in their purses for money to give the little hands to drop into the basket that made the rounds.
In a different 'world'. Everything seemed different: weather, smells, sounds, language, the sound of the bell just before communion (it sounded like a cow bell), windows, what everyone was wearing, what they ate for breakfast, the choir (couldn't help but think of our choir @ CC) there were 3 men in this choir - with amazing voices. Wooded benches, concrete steps for benches in the balcony, wooden kneelers - 
Praying The Lords Prayer was amazing - even though I was certainly the only one speaking it in English, it was like we were all speaking the same language, the pauses were the same, we ended at the same time, it was amazing to me - 
At times, these countries seem so diverse but on this day, I realized - we are 1 people, 1 faith, 1 God and it was such a good feeling to me.
It was a great way for me to End my 42nd year and start my 43rd.
How large the world, How large the faith in a time where it's easy to wonder........Where is the faith?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New School

This is day 3 of Carlie @ her new school.... So far so good!
She is happy when I pick her up.
She hugged the teacher goodbye yesterday and this morning told me that there were 3 blonde girls who were older (9) who speak English and talked to her on recess yesterday!
There is a little snack bar with popsicles and she has gotten one each day after school.
Life is Good!