You know, you say you're going to write in a journal, you think you'll blog. Seems like it will be easy to log everything you do......Then you get there and, where does the time go? What do you spend all your time doing? How come you cannot find the time to do all the things you thought you'd do?
I seriously, no kidding, had this vision of myself, spending time EACH DAY on the beach. Time=More than looking out there over my shoulder as I rush kids to the next thing. I really thought I would tan myself daily - hahahahahahahahahahaha NOT!
So, just because I don't blog about it and I haven't filled my very cool journal I bought @ Barnes & Noble just before Christmas @ Town Center, doesn't mean that every single day, something doesn't happen to me that is completely worth blogging or journaling about. Oh Contrair
Last week, I sent my son to football practice in a vehicle built for 3 with 3 other people.....
As he was running to the truck/golf cart/utility sled looking auto....I hollered - don't forget, you need a ride home too. I don't have a way to get you so just let his mom know you will need a ride home as well......
Practice is suppose to be over @ 5:30 - you know how football coaches are (what am I talking about - ANY coach) I'll give him 20 minutes.... It's a 15 minute (tops) ride back home. So, 6:15pm (way after dark) I start thinking, umm, wonder when Bo will be home..... Just a few minutes after that thought - Ben says, Mama, shouldn't Bo be home by now?
I know he should be home for sure but Ben tends to FREAK about his brother at the slightest thing so I calmly say, I'm sure he'll be home soon.
Up I jump to go to the front of the condo, like that will make a difference, to look for him.
Not in sight. Ben comes running after me and says Bo is home - he came to the condo from the 'back' side????? I'm wondering, what the heck and Ben says - Mama, he said, we're not going to believe this story.
The Mom in me is coming out - Doesn't sound like my kind of story?!!
If you know how stories go from Bo - they could take hours, including painful extremely detailed specifics that really don't matter to anyone or thing.
He says, Mom - I couldn't find my new Underarmour head band - - so I stayed to look for it - - and by the time I found it, Most everyone was gone......
My eyebrow goes up.....
So, I found Blah Blah and asked him if I could have a ride and he says, I guess so.
Along comes an old beat up Volkswagen, Who knows what kind of car it was but Bo claims it was a VW and in gets 3 teen boys, Blah Blah and my precious son. Once again, a little over maximum capacity.
There are lots of speed bumps/humps between here and Calica, where Caballeros football practice is held...
Without going into a ton of detail, The car had to be pushed up a hill and over a speed hump (& Topes) or several before Bo made it home ok. Although he did find his red headband - he didn't make it home with his passport - he wasn't sure where that was.
He was eager to remake the sounds of the car for me and even asked, Mom did you hear us coming?
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