the water is so good

the water is so good

Friday, January 21, 2011

Lice Day

Yesterday, Carlie didn't go to school. As we were walking to school, she was crying so hard---I thought to myself, it's not supposed to be like this. So, we turned around and came back to the condo. She worked on spelling all the popcorn words and addition and subtraction from Miss Fewins website and then we did piano together. After that, we took a cab to Sam's Club. I knew it should be about 30-40 pesos to get to Sam's and the guy said 50 pesos, I said, for round trip? He said no and gave me this schpeal about that must be another taxi service that this is a blah blah blah, I said whatever and we were at Sam's in 3 minutes.
As I got out of the cab, I saw no other Taxi's so I said to the man checking my Sam's he acted like no problem.....I knew I was going to be in a toot because it was 10 til 1 and I had to get the boys between 1:30 and 1:45 and I had never gotten there after 1:30pm.
Carlie and I got the things we needed, mostly, couldn't find peanut butter or rechargeable batteries and got some things we didn't.....cheesecake and were in the check out line @ 1:30. I am keeping my fingers crossed that there is a cab waiting for me at the exit. Sure enough, there was a taxi there, we hopped in, instead of just giving the guy 40 pesos I aksed how much, in spanish, of course and he said 35 pesos. I look at  my watch ( I actually wore for the first time knowing I needed to keep on schedule to get the boys) and realize there's no time to drop off groceries so I tell him, 'Escuela Manuel Acosta'. Off we go. As we pull up to the school I ask him, if he'd wait for me and then take me home with the kids and groceries. I'm not sure he understood until I wasn't getting my groceries out of his trunk.........I tell Carlie to run and get the boys!  Ben came running and Alexander didn't - by this time, the police was screaming at the driver thru the driver window, 3 cars were behind us honking and I am jumping in the front seat and screaming at Bo to hurry up! He has his little look on his face that he always gets when he has no idea what's going on. I am trying to tell the driver I'm sorry - he's arguing with the policia all the while he's driving away and Alexander isn't completely in the cab and his door is still open.......
Alexander is loudly saying MOM!!!!! I respond SHUT YOUR DOOR!!!!!!!
For the first time ever, I had remembered to haul shopping bags to Sam's so we were easily able to unload everything and as we're walking down the steps to the pool - alexander says - Mom, we can't go to school tomorrow, we have lice.....I"m thinking WOOHOO 3 day weekend!!!!
Guess they did an all school check yesterday and over half the kids couldn't go to school today, mine included. Since Carlie wasn't at school, I did what you all know I'd do and decided she should skip today too!!!
Our Lice Day started out with Zucritas and Leche and fruit - wish I knew the word for strawberries but I don't. Then I got right to combing hair. I found 1 tiny little egg in each of the boys hair and several in Carlies, although I am feeling like hers were dead ones from our last treatment. I heard if they snap when you push on them, they're dead. So, who knows, at least I picked as many out as i saw then looked again and again, all the while sitting on the wall in the hot hot sun!
Ben, Carlie & I hauled all our bedding and towels to the laundry last night while Alexander and Mikel (Andreas Mom called and he doesn't have lice so he didn't come) worked on their class project. I decided that is the last time we  take our laundry there - the load we brought home, had some things in it that weren't about completely grossing me out..... We will go back to the lady who has done it before with her garden hose - it's not A/Ced with a nice sign on the door, it's 4 blocks further &  I think it may cost a little but but for some reason I don't think she mixes our laundry with that of complete strangers????
After lunch, we are going to rest. We worked on SJ homework this morning and Ben & Carlie played the piano again. Then we are going to scout out some hotels for some friends who are planning a trip here. After that, we are headed to pizza for dinner. Looking forward to that! May even have to get a dirty monkey for the walk home, possibly get a glimpse of the Sr Frog Dancers and call it another good Friday in PdC.
It's Hot here! Hot. My neck is on fire and I am partially shaded by the palm tree here to my right.
I am missing my washing machine more than I ever ever dreamed and I promise I will never complain again about doing laundry in my own home, with my choice of detergent & fabric softener and with only clothes in my machine that someone I know has soiled!

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