the water is so good

the water is so good

Monday, January 24, 2011

Winter Weather

I think it must be a sign that I am getting spoiled rotten if I think that a 70 something partly cloudy day isn't absolutely perfect!
Today, I actually had that thought, then I looked at my kids playing in this HUGE pile of sand in their swim suits and thought, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???
This is a perfect day!
Obviously we have been blessed with GREAT weather since we have been here.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Lice Day

Yesterday, Carlie didn't go to school. As we were walking to school, she was crying so hard---I thought to myself, it's not supposed to be like this. So, we turned around and came back to the condo. She worked on spelling all the popcorn words and addition and subtraction from Miss Fewins website and then we did piano together. After that, we took a cab to Sam's Club. I knew it should be about 30-40 pesos to get to Sam's and the guy said 50 pesos, I said, for round trip? He said no and gave me this schpeal about that must be another taxi service that this is a blah blah blah, I said whatever and we were at Sam's in 3 minutes.
As I got out of the cab, I saw no other Taxi's so I said to the man checking my Sam's he acted like no problem.....I knew I was going to be in a toot because it was 10 til 1 and I had to get the boys between 1:30 and 1:45 and I had never gotten there after 1:30pm.
Carlie and I got the things we needed, mostly, couldn't find peanut butter or rechargeable batteries and got some things we didn't.....cheesecake and were in the check out line @ 1:30. I am keeping my fingers crossed that there is a cab waiting for me at the exit. Sure enough, there was a taxi there, we hopped in, instead of just giving the guy 40 pesos I aksed how much, in spanish, of course and he said 35 pesos. I look at  my watch ( I actually wore for the first time knowing I needed to keep on schedule to get the boys) and realize there's no time to drop off groceries so I tell him, 'Escuela Manuel Acosta'. Off we go. As we pull up to the school I ask him, if he'd wait for me and then take me home with the kids and groceries. I'm not sure he understood until I wasn't getting my groceries out of his trunk.........I tell Carlie to run and get the boys!  Ben came running and Alexander didn't - by this time, the police was screaming at the driver thru the driver window, 3 cars were behind us honking and I am jumping in the front seat and screaming at Bo to hurry up! He has his little look on his face that he always gets when he has no idea what's going on. I am trying to tell the driver I'm sorry - he's arguing with the policia all the while he's driving away and Alexander isn't completely in the cab and his door is still open.......
Alexander is loudly saying MOM!!!!! I respond SHUT YOUR DOOR!!!!!!!
For the first time ever, I had remembered to haul shopping bags to Sam's so we were easily able to unload everything and as we're walking down the steps to the pool - alexander says - Mom, we can't go to school tomorrow, we have lice.....I"m thinking WOOHOO 3 day weekend!!!!
Guess they did an all school check yesterday and over half the kids couldn't go to school today, mine included. Since Carlie wasn't at school, I did what you all know I'd do and decided she should skip today too!!!
Our Lice Day started out with Zucritas and Leche and fruit - wish I knew the word for strawberries but I don't. Then I got right to combing hair. I found 1 tiny little egg in each of the boys hair and several in Carlies, although I am feeling like hers were dead ones from our last treatment. I heard if they snap when you push on them, they're dead. So, who knows, at least I picked as many out as i saw then looked again and again, all the while sitting on the wall in the hot hot sun!
Ben, Carlie & I hauled all our bedding and towels to the laundry last night while Alexander and Mikel (Andreas Mom called and he doesn't have lice so he didn't come) worked on their class project. I decided that is the last time we  take our laundry there - the load we brought home, had some things in it that weren't about completely grossing me out..... We will go back to the lady who has done it before with her garden hose - it's not A/Ced with a nice sign on the door, it's 4 blocks further &  I think it may cost a little but but for some reason I don't think she mixes our laundry with that of complete strangers????
After lunch, we are going to rest. We worked on SJ homework this morning and Ben & Carlie played the piano again. Then we are going to scout out some hotels for some friends who are planning a trip here. After that, we are headed to pizza for dinner. Looking forward to that! May even have to get a dirty monkey for the walk home, possibly get a glimpse of the Sr Frog Dancers and call it another good Friday in PdC.
It's Hot here! Hot. My neck is on fire and I am partially shaded by the palm tree here to my right.
I am missing my washing machine more than I ever ever dreamed and I promise I will never complain again about doing laundry in my own home, with my choice of detergent & fabric softener and with only clothes in my machine that someone I know has soiled!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

hola from MEXICO

life is good down here!!! had a great day of school today. here is a picture of the  full moon if u can see it.-bo miller  


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Well - Lucky for me we had head lice just before we left Kansas.
Sounds crazy, I know. If we hadn't had it, I wouldn't have had any idea what it was and when I was washing Carlie's hair yesterday, I would have thought it was sand.  Lice for sure wouldn't have been the topic of conversation when I told my girlfriends here about my hectic week preparing for this adventure.
Come to find out that head lice is more common here than hotdogs are at a summer BBQ in Kansas.
Nothing like getting a lice comb as a welcome to the neighborhood gift.
Also, lucky for me that Quinn drove all over Lawrence the day before we left after Ben and I had gone to 3 places looking for a stock pile for us to bring down here.
So - as fate would have it........because we had lice there, I am totally prepared for having lice here.......
When in Rome do as the Romans.
Carlie skipped school today so that I could pick tiny little white things out of her long, thick hair!
Then I treated myself; since I haven't gotten the nerve to ask Mim, who is vacationing here from NY this week to dig thru my hair.
Fun, especially when it's a beautiful day and you're inside acting like an chimp.
Except I wasn't eating what I was picking out of Carlie's hair.
Rubi, I think she is our principal but I am not sure, had the school nurse check Carlie's class and yes indeed, 2 other kindergarteners are carrying the tiny little bugs as well.
If head lice is the worst of things we can pick up here then I am good with that.
It was much easier to get it here where everyone deals with it on a nearly daily basis than in KS where it seemed like an STD.
So - Thanks to Debbie for teaching me all about head lice and thanks to Maca for her super duty lice comb.....You may want to pick up another one while you're in Miami - looks like I will be holding onto this one!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

15 de Enero 2011

What a crazy weather day here. It was chilly this morning. Boys were up early.
We played on the beach for a little bit, no sunrise because of the clouds.
Kids made a maze in the sand and we chased each other thru it. Basically a path - made for a good little work out.
We decided to walk north around the big pier and try to guess when we were getting close to the restaurant we wanted to have breakfast at.
After walking about 150 yards, I told the kids - Mama needs to go back, I am going to be stripping down soon if I don't go back and change into shorts and a T. So Carlie and I headed back to leave our sweatshirts & change into 'warm' weather clothes--we never regretted it! I didn't get half way home and ran into a man I know walking his 2 pugs on the beach. Sergio, team doctor of the Caballeros and father of Gustavo, one of our favorite buds here.
It's amazing, as hard as it is to believe, I rarely leave here and not run into someone I know! No kidding!
Anyway - we walked about 20 or more blocks and headed inland thru hotel las palapas. Very cool place, I highly recommend it. Each hotel room is it's own palapa. So they have a limit of 4 per room. It is not an all inclusive. Here is the website if you want to check it out.
Just so happened, that at the end of the long driveway was exactly where we wanted to be.
How lucky is that??
The French bakery, Chez Celine that Maca had taken my mom and I to on Wednesday. It was very busy so we gave our name to the tall blonde french man who owns the place and took a seat on the very cool blue bench.
The boys had omelets (alexander ate his and half of bens), we all had OJ, hot mint tea & lots of bread with banana jelly.
We enjoyed the different walks of life and nationalities. The kids are really starting to notice different cultures, how they dress and their behaviors. Alexander said, all French women smoke...He also mentioned how different people were dressed. This place pulls all kinds. There were 6 dogs there - six. Several of which were lap dogs and very obviously, never get left at home or in the back yard to run and bark at joggers or KU students headed to and from class.
From there we headed back down 5th Avenue and slowly worked our way South going in and out of shops. It was fun, we hadn't planned to shop on the way home and normally, not all of us want to do that at the same time so this worked out well. We had heard there was a kite store and we really wanted to get a kite to fly. Directly across from the Senor Frogs store, there it was, 'Kiteplayadelcarmen' or something like that - whatever the name was, the word KITE was the first word in the name.
We go in, looking for a kite but didn't see any.
Ben, of course, had to go to the bathroom, the Senor Frog store said they were out of we went back to the kite store, where Bo was still chatting away with the gal who worked there.
They are going thru a catalog on the counter.....
So, I observed and realized that neither had any idea what the other was saying. The lady picked up her cell phone and I could understand, Nino, playa, jugar ...... and she hands the phone to alexander. She must have realized that she wasn't understanding what he was asking her for.
Alexander can see it in my face what I am thinking and he calms me, "Mom, there are different kinds of kites and she just doesn't know which kind I am talking about......" Whatever - I say!
Alexander is trying to use the 2 words he knows in spanish, now on a cell phone, Ben is doing what Ben always does after we eat and have left the restaurant with the nice clean bathroom only to have to do his business 3 minutes later swearing that he didn't know he was going to have to go when we left the restaurant.....Lucky, the nice non-english speaking lady at the KITE store let ben into this tiny little closet with a toilet in it to do what Ben always does after we eat......
Carlie is trying as hard as she can to find something she wants and I am thinking- how am I going to get out of this KITE store???
Ben, are you done? Not yet Mama.
Are you OK, yes - Did you have an accident? No
Alexander is on the phone for a LONG time, Long enough for me to get a note pad from behind the counter and draw a picture of a KITE - you know, stick person, long string, diamond with a tail...
She says OHHHHH a cometa!!
By this time, I have taken care of ben and carlie is in the closet......I hand ben the empty roll of toilet paper and tell him, go show this to the lady.......
There are lots of things in this closet we are crammed into but I see nothing that looks like toilet paper or nothing that can do the job that toilet paper does.
She comes to the door and says something in Spanish of course and I do understand, NO.
So - - the details of this I will leave out but I must say, I am so clever.
Carlie and I come out of the closet, I close the closet door and hanging right there on the closet door.............
A KITE! 2 actually!
By this time, the last thing I want is a $25usd kite so I say, Muchas Gracias Senora, Muchas Gracias and out the door we go. My 3 ducks straggling behind me wondering why we aren't leaving with a cometa!
I look at my phone and am shocked that it's 5 til 1pm. Where has this day gone, we just had breakfast, I look up and there before me is a sports bar. WOOHOO KU basketball in 5 minutes.
In we go to the EZ (short for End Zone) and get to watch the entire KU game and during half time the K-State game on a huge huge TV.  Major Score for Mama!
The rest of our walk home was uneventful, kids were jacking around with each other - I was in and out of a few stores, trying to find Carlie a 1 piece swim suit since they start swimming at school on Monday.
Back home, I tuck everyone in for naps and head out to pick up laundry. The Lavanderia is closed on Sunday and all of our school uniforms are there, clean hopefully - I have been worried I am going to forget them then, have to deal with that on Monday morning. Maca called just as I was walking across the bridge over our pool - my phone doesn't work in our condo and she had been trying to call me 'for 2 hours'. Nacho had something come up and couldn't do the sleep over, another whew - the boys were way too tired for that tonight.
Half way to the Lavanderia, a grey truck stops and backs up on the street - it's Irene. Mom of Chicken Little and Ryan - 2 of the Caballeros who stayed with us in KS.
See - I really can't leave my house with out seeing someone I know! It's true!
It sprinkled here on and off all evening. We never left the condo again except to sit on our patio with blankets, visit about our week, the upcoming week and my expectations of the kids and things I need them to do. Ben was disappointed we didn't go for Churros. I was disappointed I didn't get a glimpse of the Senor Frog Dancers on 5th Avenue.
As we were having our "Team Meeting" Carlie cried that she misses Glitter and Miss Fewins; Alexander cried that he missed the Spelling Bee and will miss the Talent Show. And Ben misses his bike and is sad he cannot remember the names of his new friends here from his class. I again suggested, Call them all ChaChi.
As I was getting Carlie snuggled into bed, I notice water coming down the wall of our condo....
dripping from the ceiling too...... on the floor, bed wet, pillow wet.....just missed my computer by about a millimeter - -  ugh!
I will deal with that later - hopefully not a big deal??!!
Looking forward to tomorrow!

Friday, January 14, 2011

What a week

I have never been in Mexico and thought TGIF.  Before now, I never knew what day it was.
This morning - I was for sure thinking, TGIF!
When I picked Carlie up from school one of the first things she told me was: I'm so glad it's Friday!
I was for sure in a self inflicted tail spin this morning.
And, I knew there were going to be days like these I just hadn't had one yet.
Losing the key in the sand, Ben pooping his pants, having Marco scare the heck out of me demanding 500 more pesos, Losing a Mayan bracelet I had picked out for Quinn's Mom, going to pick up laundry and it wasn't even there......all those things weren't really a big deal but today, leaving my tiny new born baby there......Ugh - that sucked.
So, now that that's under my belt - I'm looking forward to the next hump.
I have no idea what that will be but I am positive there will be one.
I pray it is not a health issue. I am trying to feed my children well, fruits, veggies & Emergencies. And I am going to demand a family nap tomorrow - hopefully mine will be next to the pool, I can fall asleep so quickly when I'm laying on a hot rock.
The boys have been invited to their first sleep over. Q said that would happen, the thought hadn't crossed my mind.
Of course they want to and I want them to as well. I just know Carlie and I will be lost with out them.
Lucky for me, Nacho's mom has taken me under her wing and become my angel here. I know the boys will have a fun time and I am interested to see how similar and how different 'sleep-overs' are here in Mexico.
Tomorrow we will find out what time mass is on Sunday. I am really looking forward to that. There is a 'Cat-o-lick' church very close but small and another larger one a little further away.
I was told that there is an English mass somewhere, but I didn't ask where - I want to go to the Spanish version.
Speaking of - keep us in your prayers and thoughts! We need all the help, in every area we can get!
It's crazy here but Life is Good!


Boys have to be at school before 7:00am
They have 'breakfast' at school. I normally pack a tortilla with a slice of cheese and turkey or ham. They have snacks they like to take - like cookies & chips and also carry a big Coleman cooler full of water.
They are on a set schedule just like home but they are in their classes for an hour and have a 30 minute break @ 10am for breakfast and recess. They lunch room is outside and is a covered patio like place.
They have half of the day in Spanish and half of the day in English. Math is in English.
It is too cold here now for swimming class - parents complain - but I was told that they  may start swimming again next week.
The boys each have 2 classrooms. The 5th and 6th grade swap rooms and the 3rd and 4th grades swap rooms.
One classroom is all in English - things on walls and the other classroom is all in Spanish.
They are done @ 1:30. You have until 1:45 to pick them up.
Of course I am waiting @ 1:30 for them.
There is a big gate and the PE teacher has a microphone and as you walk up to get them he calls out your child's name.
Carlie goes a little later :-)
She can be dropped of between 8 and 8:30am.
She is in Kindergarten III
that is the class before 1st grade.
There are 3 Kindergarten levels - based on age. In her case it was based on skill - since she is 5 she would have probably been in the Kindergarten II.
She has a Spanish teacher and an English teacher as well.
Her Spanish teacher knows NO ENGLISH.
They stay in the same classroom the whole day and have 'breakfast' in there too. She doesn't like recess/break because it is for 1 hour.
So from 10-11 each day - it's basically free time. She has been coloring during her free time. She has brought home some beautiful artwork.

Our condo is just the right size for us.
2 twin beds in the boys room and a king size bed for Carlie and I.
We have a big TV - which works just like you'd think it would.
We have no oven, which so far hasn't been a problem but I sure have missed my normal baking that I do several times a week.
We  have a 2 burner stove, microwave, small sink, no dishwasher and no washer/dryer.
We have a huge closet with a window with a few of the beach and ocean.
We have our Christmas photo cards up in our condo and some of them under the glass top of our kitchen table. So everyone who sent us a photo card, you are here with us!
The door to our condo is down a few steps from the pool edge. The covered patio is our roof and it gets used by everyone. I kind of wish I had a private patio but I'm sharing!!!

We use our wagon to haul our clothes to the Lavanderia & also to haul tired kids to and from 5th Avenue.
Everything is in walking distance that I need and Macarena has been so good about exposing me to all the things I need to see and do.
Really all the grocery stores and good places for breakfast. :-)

After school, the kids swim and or play on the beach. We have been playing catch everyday too. I forgot the plastic bats so that is on our list to bring from Kansas when Alexander comes back the end of the month. I told the boys, in June when they feel some sand inside their ball gloves, this will all just be a memory and that little bit of sand will take them back to this great time we are having.

This cannot be happening to me:

So, here are a few things that have happened that I was thinking....
Now what?

Day 1
New Year's Day
We were coming back from dinner, which was actually lunch (& breakfast).
We had flown all day and I had packed powdered sugar & chocolate donuts for the kids. So, Nana and I were starving. We thought we were going to meet the Wood/Fix Clan @ Senor Frogs but they weren't there so the kids were feeling sad about that.
Anyway, Ben had to go to the bathroom, so I give him the key to the condo - had taken it out of the lock box on the door because when we got to our condo, it wouldn't open so therefore we couldn't get the key out to open our condo door....luckily our van driver had a pocket knife to pop it open.
So - I tell Ben, I do not have another key - that is our only way to get into the condo - hold on tight.....
Alexander, Ben & Carlie take off running down the dark beach.
Nana and I were walking behind them enjoying the warm warm air.
I notice Ben & Carlie stopped on the beach.....LOOKING FOR THE KEY (in the dark).
I say funny - Alexander had run ahead so naturally, I thought they were playing a joke on me.
Oh NO - Benjamin had dropped the key, in the sand, on the beach........ Yes!
I of course, FREAK!
Thinking quick - I put my bag down right where they were and tell them to STOP DIGGING, i actually didn't tell them I SCREAMED at them to stop moving, stop digging, don't do anything.
I go to Xaman Ha, find the security guard and ask him for a flash light. No English. He leaves, comes back with a flash light. Not for me but he needed it for something else he was doing. So lucky for me, I waited until he was done and borrowed it.
Back to the beach, heart pounding, trying to figure out how I can get ben back to Kansas before I harm him.
Slowly combed the beach with the light.........
There it was, the tiny silver very top end of the key peeking out of the sand!!!

My friends here tell me, You need a Mexico cell phone.....I say, why, I already have 2 cell phones.....It's too expensive for us to call you........
So, Mom and I walk down 10th Avenue looking for somewhere to buy one.
First stop OXXO (like Quik Trip) - they had 1 that was $699 pesos, They had told me it would be about $30 US dollars.... Besides the girl in OXXO knew absolutely no English so we leave and keep walking - we see a TelCel sign, walk in.
I get a phone. Of course Mark Anthony (he tells me his name while laughing) speaks "poco english" Poco means little but all that really means is he can say OK, No & Thank You.
After waiting for a while and writing things on paper - my plan, cost, minutes (which they don't do it as minutes they do it as pesos..)
Anyway - we leave with a phone, cute little red phone, small enough to fit just about anywhere. So small...
I call Maca and tell her I have a phone. Give the number to Irene and Chema too.
Happy to be able to contact them easily if I need to - at the time, I had no idea how much I would use this thing, once I figured out how to.
So 5 or so hours later, it rings.....
A guy on the other line is talking in Spanish, I could make out a few words..... Like
This is Marco
I need $500 more pesos from you.
Please bring them to me........
Don't you know Spanish?
next I get a text
didn't know I had texting on my new little phone but now I am getting a text saying 
"Tracie hello me wrong you send 500 pesos, paying them where can help me please buy your phone ;-("
My phone rings again - I don't answer.
I am freaking out
Not wanting to tell my mom and get her freaked out so I walk outside of the condo and try to call Chema. I am scrolling thru the phone looking for the touch screen dial. There is a man grilling right outside my door, and I mumble, I cannot figure out how to call out on this phone. Where is the screen with the key pad on it???
He looks at me like, Lady you are absolutely nuts - - - and says, You just push the buttons.
Chema calls me later and says, Don't worry about him, He will never call you again. He said he gave you 2000 pesos instead of 1000 pesos...... but don't worry about it.
So far so good. I have no way to find out how many pesos I have on my phone and Mark Anthony hasn't called back.
My phone is working great and I am so glad I have it!

Reality Hits

Hola Amigos! The weather is not hot, the kids are gone to school and as I dropped Carlie off this morning, I could tell she was about to burst. She and I skipped to school, it's amazing how much she wants to be happy and wants to make me happy. I could tell as I let go of her hand that she wasn't comfortable. It's amazing how a 5 year old child can navigate thru life. It's amazing how after only 5 years of being on this earth there is already hatred in the hearts of a 5 year old baby. The first time I laid eyes on this girl, I have no idea what her name is, I knew she would be trouble! After nearly 43  years on this beautiful planet, I have become great at picking that out. As I say that I chuckle because I have been surprised by some of the people I call friend in recent too. But anyway, Today feels like it's all hit. I am here, I am set up, I have a refrigerator full of food, I have a pantry filled with all the snacks the kids have discovered they love and other ones that will still be sitting there on March 23rd. Valentino will get a big bag of goodies I am sure when we leave!
So, Carlie took her back pack into her classroom and the entire Kindergarten was gathering in the courtyard. You can take your youngin' between 8 and 8:30am. Of course that is not how it was explained to me and it only took Carlie and I a day to figure out that we want to get there right about 8:28am.
I took video of this time and I will try to post it.
It is on my FB page.
I thought I might video again today but when I turned around, she was walking to me with her hands over her eyes - if she didn't wear glasses, she'd be wiping her tears.......
My heart - Why am I doing this? Why am I leaving my tiny baby in this strange place where maybe 3 people understand what she is saying? And no one loves her like I do?
Valentino just walked by and said, Frio....No te gusta Coffee?? I think he is wishing Nana was here to offer him a cup of coffee. He knows already my habits, I am sure. He walks the grounds of Xaman Ha and 'spies' on everyone and thing. I am sure if he needed to he could get his hands out of his pockets but I am not sure what he would do if he had to actually protect us.
I was hoping for a warm sunny day today - exercise, shower, fixed toilet, blog, sunshine then get the kids. It's amazing how weather reflects the mood or is it the other way around? I am not sure?
Today we have to go straight from school to the Lavanderia. I found a closer place to get our laundry done. They are closed on Sunday so I need to get it there so I can get it back Saturday.
We only have 1 set of uniforms so I strip their clothes off of them as soon as they get into the condo.
It's Friday night so I am sure we will make our way to 5th Avenue this evening.
I am planning for 4 Millers to nap before we do any TGIFing.
I was hoping I'd blog before I hit this spot but I guess it took this to motivate me to start so here we go.
Ride along and Enjoy.
Life is Good!